Enchanting drop luck rodin birds lilith ascent core coral cave mystery refine stone ancient amp amplification yellow yd grade will spirit article seth maat osiris three options four 4th
Skill Books luck drop drobeta ma magic avoid ioh increase health energy burst freeze ring mist soul blood curse 161 seth squaly barrier
Luck System gdr zilde gilles drop increase atu su amurru kill luck cookie chance success rate
Create Item add forge remove puritas purge option white crystal coral mystery cave four secondary 4th
Increase Options
Option Limits max min high limits increase fail bird drop lilith coral drop ascent
Enchants grade def prot enchanting yellow drop lilith will spirit ascent blue drop bird amplification refined three moju levelup knockback push money reaper compensation primal ferocity
Info about Tohit/Defense
Info about Damage/Resistance zap magical physical attack defense day night damage black blue red green avoid ma1 ma2 ma3
Info about Critical push knockback
Info about Silver silver resistance slayer
Slayers skills moon card godly 151 161 godly
Vampires skills moon card godly 151 161 godly
Ousters skills moon card godly 151 161 godly
Hero of Awaken kill fire flame pvm money pet experience moju resistance protection crit health discount market
Knots Buff level fame tiff gusion
The Crown tepez water way duration buffs fame game money ascendant morgoth pet mask shape menegroth heart honor pvp scroll summon bathory lair golden roi asylion awarness
Guild Awareness castle clan guild health str dex int stat attribute rank master summon scroll tepez bathory lair enchant blue bird chance
Lilith Apple/GDR Buff gdr zilde gilles drop increase atu su amurru kill
Pet Masks devil mask pet alkan morgoth vandalizer lunatic mentalizer morgoth gusion
Game Money money gold check lei zard geld grim tepez purple bounty claw cat honey cake ordinis alignament
Fame fame scrolls black gdr luck premium crown
Honor honor ma3 magic avoid gusion mask
Market Points fire awaken discount market cart
Red Crystal
This game master appears everywhere in Drobeta.
Kill him to get some purple skulls, which you can sell a NPC from 30kk game money.
You can find them randomly in Rodin.
Based on luck system they can drop the Devil Injection.
There are 3 bosses that apepars in Lost Taiyan B2 from 4 in 4 hours.
He may drop: V2 books, Moon Cards, or rare the GM Box with limited gear for beginners.
He appears in IK Lab 2 from 4 in 4 hours.
He may drop: Lilith Apple, Raohm 5 Sealing Stone, Multiple Moon Cards, Multiple Lilith Drops or rare the GM Box with limited gear for beginners.
You can find him in Menegroth Dungeon, which you can access using 5 Menegroth Seals that can be found in monsters.
He can drop rare option items, and ressurect scrolls (with 50% chance). Also, killing him you get a Voucher which you can trade at NPC for random rewards such us:
- Limited necklace with 2 or 3 options (combintation of: ATTR+10,STR+12,DEX+12,INT+12,CRI+36,DEF+40,RES+49,TOHIT+40,DAM+30,HPRGN+21,MPRGN+21,HPSTL+15,MPSTL+15)
- Unique limited weapon with high Damage and Tohit. When you take the weapon Both Damage and Tohit get lowered while you level increase.
- white crystals, lilith, candies, hearts and lost ordinance, vampiric cores or ancient documents
You can find her in Bathory Lair or in Rodin SE.
In Rodin SE she appears from 2 in 2 hours and can drop (basedon chance): books, enchants, multiple magic boxes.
The one form Lairs will also give a pendant or a bead which can be traded at Pumpking NPC for Uni-Keys.
You can find him in Tepez Lair or in Water Way.
In Water Way he appears from 4 in 4 hours and can drop (basedon chance): books, enchants, gema money. Also, when Tepez from WW is killed all race will get a buff.
The Tepez form WW can also be summoned using the Tepez scrolls which you can find by killing Golden Rois in Asylion, or by doing Tepez and Bathory Lairs.
The one form Lairs will also give a pendant or a bead which can be traded at Pumpking NPC for Uni-Keys.
Keeper of Adam
You can find him in Hidden Labirynth of Adam, Adam N or Adam S. Appears from 2 in 2 hours.
He may drop: rare enchants, rare options or Adam Box. Inside the box you can find: Red Hourglass (to refill the BOB), 7 Days Premium Card, Uni-Keys or Quartz of Hellgarden (Asy 3 access).
You can find him in Garble Dungeon. You can access Garble Dungeon only if you have the Cabracam pet shape.
He may drop: rare enchants, rare options or Adam Box. Inside the box you can find: Red Hourglass (to refill the BOB), 7 Days Premium Card, Uni-Keys or Quartz of Hellgarden (Asy 3 access).
Also, when you kill this boss, you will get a buf for 1 hour with all scrolls power combined (you cannot use scrolls if you have this buf on).
Inside this map, you can find money checks with higher value.
Can be found in Raohm 5. If you are not using the Bible Pair 6, you will need a sealing stone to acess Raohm 5. The boss will drop 1x Origin of Fury and will reward the players inside with box based on chance.
The box can give you: weapon with 3 options, very rarey the Godly Set weapon and enchants.
Red Crystal
You can find those in Rodin NW. To be able to distroy the crystals you need some Menegroth Hearts. Visit the NPC from Rodin NW for extra details.
Once distroyed they can drop: lost ordinance, vampiric cores or ancient documents, the fortune cookie, and liliths v1 or v2
Ice Statue
Destroy this statue to get GDR access buff. In rare ocassions it may drop Pipe of the Blind which can be used to directly jump to the 3 portals form Illusion Path.
Beads or Pends that can be trade at Mr.Pumpkin for Uni-Keys or Zaps.
She can be found in the Secret Chamber of GDR.
To access the chambers, you need to have 3x GDR Pendants and 3x GDR Beads, and enter into the correct portal when GDR opens. Inside, kill 100 GDR to summon Joana.
Based on chance she can drop a box with following rewards: lilith apples, racial candies, 3 options enchants or Relic/Chain with 2 or 3 options (nr of options are based on luck system)
He can be found inside Rupert. You need 10x Shabby Pendents to acess Rupert. The Pendent you can find on chief monsters inside Luster Tower.
He will drop: Relic of Lycans, Symbol of Lycans and Yellow Cores (based on chance). To read info about the Relic or Symbols, visit the NPC outside Rupert.
Ancient Spirit Warriors
This monsters can be summoned inside Rupert. You need to have an ANcient Scroll (which can be find from Gusion in Tiffauge 1 Past - it drops for levels over 200) and visit the Lycan statue inside Rupert.
This monsters will drop on a 50/50 chance the Yellow Core.
He appear in Tiffauge 1 Past.
He can drop the Ancient Scrolls which is used to summon the Ancient Spirits in Rupert.
Note: T1 Past opens random at intervals between 180 and 300 minutes since last Past is closed.
Agony Kid
You can find him in Eisen dungeons and he has better chances to drop the Disilusion Key.
The Disilusion Key, used to access Astral rooms, can be found in drops in all Eisens, but the Kid has betetr chance to drop it.
He can be found inside Eisen 4
When you finish the lair and defeat Onibla he will give you a Spine. Collect 100x Spined and trade them at Pumpkin NPC for a box. Opening the box will give you a 3 options Fascia/Dermis/Receiver/Shoulder/Persona/Glove or the Godly Set piece and a Limetree box.
When you want to open the Limetree box make sure you have at least half inventory slots free.
Inside Onibla there are to locked chambers one with White Astral and other one with Black Astral. To access the chambers you need to have a Disilusion Key, stay close to the chamber`s door and type in normal chat: doordooropen
Each Astral will drop a box with Fascia/Dermis/Receiver or Shoulder/Persona/Glove with 1 or 2 options. The items are Horus, but in rare occasion you can find Seth ones.
This boss apepar in Tunnel 3 each hour, or you can summon him. To summon Oemensc, you need to have 10x Neat Leather and type in normal char: i have leather to trade
Thos boss will drop Yellow Drop 3. If you have the Bible Pair 3 you may get Black Smoke Buff (with a chance).
Golden Roi
You can find them in Asylion.
They can drop (based on chance) Tepez summoning scroll.
He appear each hour in Asylion 2.
He drops new contract puzzle pieces.
Castle B1 Bosses
In each castle 1st floor, there 3 yellow bosses. You need kill them in order to access 2nd floors.
They can drop rare option items or enchants.
Castle B2 Bosses
When you kill the boss form Castle B2, all your clan memebrs will receive the Guild Awareness Buff.
Hellgarden 1 Key Keeper
Inside HG1, this monster keeps the Key to access Hellgarden towers.
When doing towers, if you kill the last boss inside a tower (floor 10), 300 times, you acitve a hidden reward when exchanging the seeds.
Hidden Gaeneron
This is a hidden boss that appears randomly on the maps, basedo on random time.
He can drop pet yellow stars or packs of enchants.
Hidden Bahibili
This is a hidden boss that appears randomly on the maps, based on total player kills.
She will drop: 3x Origin of Fury, 9x Pet Masks, 15x Uni-Keys
You can find him in Dracula Floor 2. To access this chamber, you need to win the Mihnea War inside Dracula (move the Symbol from the Holder to the Altar and all your race will be able to access the boss chamber)
He will give you an elixir, which collected can be traded for diff rewards like the rare Dracula pet or powerfull cues with 3 options.
Market Points
When you want to purchase the items from the web cart and send them to game, if you have the Fire of Awaken buff you will receive a 20% discount.
When you get the buff, close the game, go to web and do the purchases, then log back in.
Be aware that the Awaken Buff once you got it, you can loose it after 15 minutes if someone else take it, also you loose it when you login (not when you log out).
Honor Points
This are points you accumulate by participating in Bible Wars or doing Spread the News quest.
You can also trade this points for different things at Mr. Pumpkin.
Note: trading honor points is also, single way to get Magic Avoid 3 book.
Fame is a value that you gain while killing monsters.
The fame amount per kill is based on the damage made by the last hit (the hit the did the kill.). So using different skills, in different zones (with weaker monsters) can help you increase fame faster. Also, by using the 2 knots, you get the Knot Buff that increase the amount of fame you make.
- the number of bible opened slots is based on fame
- you can trade fame for different things at Mr. Pumpkin
Game Money
In Awaken game money are very important, as you can do alot of stuff with them.
The default way to make game money is to kill monsters:
- monsters will drop money checks with different amounts. The drop rate and the money amounts are based on monster level and zone. The amount is also influenced by the Grim Amount option, while Tepez Buff will increase the money amount by 50%.
- if you have a cat with nick Bounty Claw, except the money checks the monsters can also drop the Purple Skulls. This skull you can sell it at NPC for 30kk game money.
- you can also get money checks when zircons change colors.
- fixing your gear
- fixing your alignament (the alignament can also be fixed using Ordinis Alignament web market item)
- paying entrace in Hellgarden
- paying when enchanting at Sophia
- buying different consumable at Mr. Pumpkin
- buying Veiled Artifacts
Pet Masks
We are happy to introduce a new item: Mask of Monster.
This item will change the pet shape, with a random monster, until you logout. There are 5 monsters shape you can get, each giving you different effects, while attacking monsters:
Ascendant Morgoth
- You can get a shield that increase your def and prot for 11 seconds.
- you can paralyze the enemy based on chance. You can get this shape only if you have the Crown Buff.
Ascendant Alkan
- can cast Aberration and Hallucination.
Ascendant Vandalizer
- in a small chance your attack will be blessed with a fire spell dealing decent damage.
- you can cast a blood spell on the enemy that prevents him to run away (PVP only).
Lunatic Skull
- your attack will be blessed with a sand effect dealing 50% more damage.
- your attacks will de 20% more damage.
- monsters will loose sight.
- opponenet get a parasite effect (PVP).
- other pet effects are ignored
Pet Shapes
You are now able to set a permanent shape to your pet, using the Mystery Devil Injection item with the following rules:
- First of all this is different than pet masks.
- Each time you use the injection you will get a random shape which is cosmetics only. They don`t give special abilities to pet unless you get any of the rare 4 pet shapes, which are luck based (read bellow).
- There are 2 injections: Mystery Devil and Mystery Fancy. The Devil Injection gives random any of the shape and in rare chances the 4 rare pet shapes. While the Fancy Injection gives you random between the 4 rare shapes.
- You can find both injections in Market, or (based on chance) in game: Devil Injection at Rufius in Garble, Omenesc in Tunnel 3, or from Hulks. While Fancy Injection only by trading 1000 Lost Ordinance, Vampiric Cores or Ancient Documents.
- To use the injections, summon the pet first.
- The injections cannot be used over cats. Cats are special, please respect them!
- If you have any of the 4 rare shapes, Pet Mask will not work over the pet.
The 4 Rare Shapes
Using Cabracam pet shape you are able to access Garble dungeon.
Inside, as long as you have Cabracam pet summoned, after you kill 100 monsters you may receive Soul of Garble buff and Rufius boss will be summoned.
Soul of Garble buf you will get it only if you are using no scrolls (v1 or v2). This buf will give you the abilities of all scrolls (v2) together for 1 hour.
While you have this buf you cannot use the scrolls (v1 or v2).
Rufius boss will be summoned at random location, will stay for only 15 minutes. He has same drops as Ruffian (including The Box...).
If you summon another pet, inside Garble, you will be kicked out.
Using Sius pet shape you are able to teleport to different bosses locations.
Type in normal chat "goto" to see a list of Boss names. Then type "goto Bossname" to be teleported to the area.
Using Gilles shape, the pet will resurrect you.
7 seconds after you died, the pet will cast over you Bloody Wings or Whitsuntide or Soul Rebirth.
You will resurrect healed with between 10% and 60% health, based on pet level
If you are in Holy Land maps, the resurrect will happen with a 30% chance.
You can get this shape only if you meet a specific condition. Condition which we wont say - in other words you will find it by pure concidence and might not realize how you got it.
When you have this pet summoned, she will nullify all other Pet Masks features.
Also, this pet allows you to contribute to the Guild Awarness value even if you are not a master.
- this shapes won`t remove the main abilities of special pets (racial pets, incubus, penguin...)
- they cannot be used over cats
- if you got Gilles, Cabracam, Sius or Hildegard shapes, you can no longer use Pet Mask over the pet.
Other shapes you can get which are not special:
Pet Leveling
Cats are single pets that level only by AFK-ing in Perona inside the safe zone. They dont level by looting!
While other pets get level from: afk-ing, looting items and skulls from monsters.
Experience Helpers
You can speed up the pet experience gain with the following:
- Pet Hour Glass - 3x
- Any of the premium card - 2x
- Experience pet fodder - 20%
- The 4th option Primal Ferocity - you can increase exp by 3x times depending on Primal Ferocity value.
- the Fire of Awaken buf increase exp by 50%.
The cats leveling speed can also be improved with:
- The Crown Buff increase cat exp by 50%.
- if you are lvl > 200 the cat will level 3 times faster.
Pet Attributes
Main Attribute
When your pet reach level 10, you can give your pet the main attribute using a Red Bird.
If you want to change or reset the main attribute you can doit by using the Pet Initialization Potion, then use a Yello Drop for pets with the desired option.
Special yellow drops for pet, such us HPS/MPS, HPS/INT or HPS/DMG you can find them in Tiff2 Boxes.
Cut Head
After your pet reach level 10, you can try given your pet the "cut head" ability, by clicking the Star button on the pet info window. This ability will loot the heads of the monsters and the drops of specific monsters - pet cannot loot specific drops from monsters if they dont have "cut head".
Second Attribute
When your pet reach level 49, you can give your pet the main attribute using a Red Bird 2.
In Awaken, Red Bird 2 can give you higher options values (including rare options like Regen). The chance to get a better option can be improved by the luck system.
You can add Vision as a aditional attirbute to your pet, by using Vision Ampuls.
If you have 2 pets: one level 50-60 and other one level 29-39 you can combine them into one pet. The higher level pet will get as combination option the option of the lowest pet. The new option will have a value between 5 and 10.
If the second pet level is close to 39, you have better odds to get the combination option close to 10.
To combine the pets you need Pet Compound item from web market.
Note: Cats cannot be combined!
Special Pets
Tank / Stirge / Pixie
This are racial pets, each with its unique ability: Tank attacks the target, Stirge drain blood from the opponenet and Pixi drain mana from the opponent. To get this pets you need do Beastmaster Bonding quest.
This pet has the ability to clear darkness around you in small area. To get this pet you need do the Kowalski`s Legacy quest.
Succubus / Inccubus
This pet has the ability to heal you. The heal amount and interval will improve with pet level. If y ou want this pet you need do the Deadly Kiss quest.
Cats are unique pets in Awaken. Their abilities differ based on the Nickname they have.
Cats cannot be combined and if you try to separate them (using Pet Separate) the ca will be replace with a Zircon.
✠ Hunt the Green Zircons inside Tunnel 1 and 2 and keep them in inventory, then all you have to do is AFK.
✠ AFK only in Perona safe-zone, with a character Horus+, and cumulate Zircon energy (you can see this value in *level command)
✠ When the Zircon energy is 100% (almost 24 hours of afk), based on chance, all Green Zircons evolve to Blue Zircons or transform to 10x Moon Cards or stay Green.
✠ If you get Blue Zircons, keep them in inventory.
✠ When Zircon Energy is again at 100%, 1 or more Blue Zircons, based on chance, is converted to Money Checks or evolve to Red Zircons
✠ If you get Red Zircons, keep them in inventory.
✠ When Zircon Energy is again at 100%, individual (1 at a time) the Red Zircons are converted to a Cat Pet or (very rare) to a Black Zircon.
Collect 3 Black Zircons and trade them (at Pumpkin NPC) for level experience; you will get a percent from the level total experience:
100%% if your lvl is below 201
40% if your lvl is below 251
10% if your lvl is over 251
Note: you can trade this one time per week only.
Eg: if for lvl 152 you need to make 121,926,164 exp, when you trade 3 Black Zircons you will get 40% from 121,926,164 = 48,770,465; but if, to level up, you have lefet 10kk to make, the trade will give you the 10kk only.
The cat you get has random level between 10 and 20, random cut head ability, random main option and a random second option. On the second option you can also get rare options like hps, moju or regen.
The cat pet has 2 abilities:
✠ Auto loot of items from dead monsters to your inventory (not packs).
Will loot only: event boxes, consumables, articles, and items with uniq options. Will not loot bosses drops and other type of items.
The loot happen with a chance, based on cat`s level. After lvl 55 the loot chance is 100%.
If you summon the cat after the monsters are killed, the loot will be dropped on the ground.
Some times can pick junk too, so always pay attention to your inventory. If the inventory is full the item will remain on the ground.
✠ When you get the cat it will have a random nickname (this nickname cannot be changed). Based on the nickname received the cat will have the following abilities:
Bounty Claw
when you kill any monster, they can drop the Purple Skull based on a chance depending on the cat level.
Magic Meow
your magical attacks are increased by a bonus only in PVM; the bonus is between 3% and 30% and is based on cat level
Savage Purr
your physical attacks are increased by a bonus only in PVM; the bonus is between 3% and 30% and is based on cat level
(rare cat) you get hide ring detection as long as the pet is summoned
Most important: this pet doesn`t level like other pets. You can level the cat only afk-ing in Perona in SZ.
Premium, Pet HG and 20% Exp Fodder are working with this pet.
As bonus:
- the Fire of Awaken buf increase cat exp by 50%.
- The Crown Buff increase cat exp by 50%.
- if you are lvl > 200 the cat will level 3 times faster.
Also remeber: if you have items with the 4th ability Primal Ferocity, the cat will also gain faster exp.
In terms of pet options, this is the best pet that you can obtain in Awaken. This pet injection doesnt have any special abilities, but is the most powerful pet in terms of options. To get this pet you need to exchange 50 dracula elixirs.
- The options you get on pet are: AA+30, All Resistance+51, HPS+30
- To use the Dracula injection, the pet must be level over 10
- If pet is a cat, you will get the Dracula`s options, but the shape wont be changed (remember: cats are unique)
- While you have any of the Dracula shape, your pet healing success rate will be decrease.
- You can get one of the 3 random Dracula shapes:
One Time Quests
This quests you can do them one time only
There are 2 Promotion quests that you will have to do, in order to be able to advance further:
At level 200 - by then you must have 10.000 chief monsters killed.
At level 300 - you will have to hunt 5x Medal of Great Brave.
This quests you can do them at anytime and how many times you want.
For quests visit Mr. Pumpkin NPC in Perona.
Beastmaster`s Bonding
Objective: Hunt 90 Ommin in Cave Kalli Reward: Tank, Stirge or Pixie pet. Condition: Do not relog or die.
Kowalski`s Legacy
Objective: Hunt 90 Alatar in Lake Timor SW Reward: Penguin pet. Special function: after the pet reach level 10 it can clear the darkness around you at random intervals. Downside: the food time is reduced to half. Condition: Do not relog or die.
Deadly Kiss
Objective: Hunt Eye of Serpent in Raohm B4 and collect 10x Hearts of Mikllizz Reward: Succubus or Inccubus pet. Special function: after the pet reach level 10 it can heal you at random intervals. Downside: the food time is reduced to half. Condition: Do not relog or die.
Cabracam`s Treasure
Objective: Hunt monsters in Menegroth B3+ and collect the Clay Doll Puzzle. Reward: Unique coat with high def and protection, limited 14 days. In rare occasion you can get the reward unlimited. The coat cannot be enchanted and the mount of Def and Prot it offers, gets lower with your level. Condition: Do not relog or die.
Weekly Quests
This quests you can do them one time per week.
You find them in the Quest Window in game (Ctrl+Q), with title starts with [D]. Important: make sure you read all NPC text and quest description during a quest run.
Spread the News
Your mission starts at Deol NPC in Ousters Perona. Make sure read the NPC messages to know what to do in the quest. Reward: 100 Honor Points Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
Mighty Tepez
You will have to kill 30 Tepez bosses. Raven will give you more details. Reward: 1x Sevenfold Stone Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
Daily Quests
This quests you can do them one time per day.
You find them in the Quest Window in game (Ctrl+Q), with title starts with [D]. Important: make sure you read all NPC text and quest description during a quest run.
Chainsaw Troubles
A chief Crimson Slaughter is causing troubles in Eisen B2. Reward: 5kk fame points. Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
There! Where humans lived
Adventurer! I need your help in Branco SE: you must kill the Bazooka Soldiers, then run fast to Karl Koch. Reward: random: Candies, Detection, Skins, Incenses, 2x Stone, Pack of Blue Birds, Pack of Liliths 1. Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
City Rampage
I have a quest for you. Help me deliver a message between cities. You start in Slayer Perona. You think you can do it? Reward: random: Candies, Detection, Skins, Incenses, 2x Stone, Pack of Blue Birds, Pack of Liliths 1. Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
Below Ice Lands
Would you lend me your aid? Grab your weapon and proceed to Luster Tower. Your magic and weapon is needed there. Kill LichJel and you will be rewarded. Reward: random: Candies, Detection, Skins, Incenses, 2x Stone, Pack of Blue Birds, Pack of Liliths 1. Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
The cry from Hell
You"re a sight for sore eyes. Your help is needed in Hell Garden. Kill 50 Red Eye and I will reward you with a Pet Mask. Reward: 1x Pet Mask Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
Tunnels of Branco
There are some troubled in Tunnel 1. Your urgent help is needed there. Lasers seems they create alot of troubles. Reward: 1x Green Zircon Condition: Time based and Do not die in mission.
Honor Points
This are points you accumulate by participating in Bible Wars. You get them by the activity you have there (pvping, taking towers, taking bibles). You do not get honor points if you stay in SZ, or doing nothing.
You can vew the honor point in Info window of your character.
Honor points you can trade them at Pumpking NPC foir different items, or accumulate them for extra experience.
The experience you get form honor points is like so:
Honor Rank 6 - 1.2x
Honor Rank 5 - 1.3x
Honor Rank 4 - 1.4x
Honor Rank 3 - 1.5x
Honor Rank 2 - 1.6x
Honor Rank 1 - 1.7x
Note: you can also win honor points by doing Spread the News quest.
Bible Pairs
In Awaken, bibles not only give you the well known attribtues, but they also give special features based on the combination of bibles you are wearing.
You can carry up to 6 bibles, so you can have 3 pairs activated at once.
See below the pair of bibles and what they give:
The Pairs
Pair 1
An improved version of The Library Buff. Following bosses will do less damage in you: Hellgarden Bosses, Miklizz, Astrals, Onibla, Tepez & Bathory from Lairs, Mogoth, Gusion, Cabracam
Pair 2
Rank effects are increases. (see on the bottom the details)
Pair 3
Based on chance, you can activate the Black Smoke Buff by killing the boss from Tunnel 3. The buff is for 10 minutes only, enought to enter the Hidden Labyrinth.
Pair 4
The amount of game money dropped while killing monsters is increased!
Pair 5
Guild master`s awareness value will increase faster.
Pair 6
You can enter for free in: Rupert, Hell Garden, Menegroth and R5. But in R5 the chances for reward are also decreased by 30%, if you enter for free.
The Twist
But what if you make pairs with the pairs?
Note: even if you have have multiple twists made, you can activate either I, II or III twist at a time. The twist are activated in the order you grab the bibles.
Slayers Twist
If you have:
(Pair1 & Pair3) or (Pair2 & Pair6) and your level > 200, fury and puhs effect against you will be partial nullified.
Vampires Twist
If you have:
(Pair4 & Pair5) or (Pair1 & Pair6) and your level > 200, fury and puhs effect against you will be partial nullified.
Ousters Twist
If you have:
(Pair2 & Pair4) or (Pair3 & Pair5) and your level > 200, fury and puhs effect against you will be partial nullified.
This ranks improvments activates only if you wear Bibles Pair 2.
Deadly Spear
+20 Critical
Behemot Armor
+50 Defense
Dragon Eye
+50 Tohit
Immortal Heart
+100 Health
Reliance Brain
+100 Mana
Slaying Knife
+10 Damage
Hawk Wing
Holy Smashing
Double Effect
Soul Smashing
Double Effect
Sapphire Bless
+30 Acid Resistance
Ruby Bless
+30 Blood Resistance
Diamond Bless
+30 Curse Resistance
Emerald Bless
+30 Poison Resistance
Magic Brain
Wight Hand
+6 Health Steal
Serien Hand
+6 Mana Steal
Fortune Hand
+75 Luck
+10 All Ability
Stone of Sage
+20 INT
Foot of Ranger
+20 DEX
Warriors Fist
+20 STR
Evolution Immortal Heart
+15% Health
Behemot Armor 2
+12% Defense
Dragon Eye 2
+12% Tohit
Evolution Reliance Brain
+15% Mana
Hit Control
+10% Critical
Immortal Blood
+200 Health
Behemot Skin
+50 Defense
Safe Robe
+200 Protection
Crow Wing
Wisdom of Blood
Tiger Nail
+20 Damage
Uranus Bless
+4 Health Regeneration
Disruption Storm
Double Effects
Wide Storm
Knowledge of Poison
Double Effects
Knowledge of Acid
Double Effects
Knowledge of Curse
Double Effects
Knowledge of Blood
Double Effects
Knowledge of Innate
Double Effects
Knowledge of Summon
Double Effects
Wisdom of Swamp
+10sec to Acid Swamp
Wisdom of Silence
+3sec to Paralyze
Wisdom of Darkness
+5sec to Darkness
Wide Darkness
Acid Inquiry
+20% Acid Resistance
Blood Inquiry
+20% Blood Resistance
Curse Inquiry
+20% Curse Resistance
Poison Inquiry
+20% Poison Resistance
Inquiry Mastery
+10% All Resistance
Acid Mastery
-30% Acid Resistance in opponent
Blood Mastery
-30% Blood Resistance in opponent
Curse Mastery
-30% Curse Resistance in opponent
Poison Mastery
-30% Poison Resistance in opponent
Skill Mastery
-15% Blood Resistance in opponent
Wood Skin
+200 Protection
Wind Sense
+50 Defense
Homing Eye
+50 Tohit
Life Energy
+100 Health
Soul Energy
+100 Mana
Stone Maul
+10 Damage
Swift Arm
Fire Endow
+30 Fire damage
Water Endow
+30 Water damage
Earth Endow
+30 Earth damage
Anti Acid Skin
+20 Acid Resistance
Anti Blood Skin
+20 Blood Resistance
Anti Curse Skin
+20 Curse Resistance
Anti Poison Skin
+20 Poison Resistance
Anti Silver Skin
+50 Acid Resistance
Bless of Nature
Mana consumtion is reduced by 4 times.
Life Absorb
+6 Health Steal
Soul Absorb
+6 Mana Steal
Mystic Rule
+75 Luck
Power of Spirit
+20% Protection
Wind of Spirit
Pixies Eyes
Ground of Spirit
Fire of Spirit
Salamanders Knowledge
Undines Knowledge
Gnomes Knowledge
Awarness Value
While killing inside castle`s dungones all guild`s members contribute to Guild Awareness Value. The master will bring the biggest contribution points, followed by the submasters in a very small amount. However, at 7AM, 1PM and 7PM UTC, submasters will do same clan awareness as masters.
When the value gets to 100%, all online clan members over Horus will get a rewards directly in inventory: 7Days prem card, Yellow Vapor, Pet Masks, Fury, Miracles.
The master`s awareness value get reset and the master can increase it again for another reward. In other words it will be the guild`s master responsability to `activate` this random reward for the clan`s members.
You can see this value using the *level command.
Fortune Cookie / Enchanting Buff
You can find this item by killing the Ores inside Rodin NW. Once you found it right click on it to get a 30 seconds Enchantment Luck buff.
Using this buf your enchant luck is increase by 2 times. But be aware that will not be easy to find this item and the buff goes away on disconnect.
To be able to kill the Ores, you need to bring to the NPc 200 Cabracam hearts from Menegroth B6. The Ores can also drop Liliths 1 and 2.
Origin of Fury / Devil Scream
To activate this buff, you need to use the Origin of Fury item.
This buf increase drastically the chances of critical and tohit for all classes, increase slightly the damage you make, but will also lower your protection by 35%.
This buf duration is fixed: 30 seconds and will disappear on logout.
You can get this item:
- Love Candy from web market
- Guild Awarness Rewards
- Killing the rare Bahilabi
- killing Miklizz and Tepez (based on chance)
Black Smoke Buff
Allows access to Hidden Labyrinth of Adam map. This map is for rank level-ing and keys drop.
You can get this buff in several awys:
- getting it during war if you accumulate specific score (untill next war).
- when you kill the boss in Tunnel 3, if you have a Bibles Pair 3, you have a chance to get this buff (untill next war).
- you can also trade some fame for it, at Pumpkin NPC (3 hours).
Note: doesnt matter where you get the buff, each time Bible War starts, the buff will go away.
Library Buff
You gain this buf by answering correct to the Quiz in the Library.
This buff gives you more resistance against specific monsters.
You can to The Library by talking with Helper NPC. Inside if you answer questions correctly to earn a powerful one-day buff, designed to enhance your abilities against specific in-game monsters: All Hell Garden monsters, Gusion, Morgoth and Gomory.
But beware, incorrect answers will require a 50 million game money payment.
Lilith Apple / GDR Buff
This buff increase the drop luck for 30 minutes. You can get this buf using the Lilith Apple or in random chances inside GDR.
If you have a Lilith Apple, type in normal chat: "atu su amurru" to acitvate the buff.
Guild Awareness Buff
When you kill the boss from Castle Dungeon Floor 2, the clan members will receive the Guild Awareness buff. This boss is spawned from 4 in 4 hours.
- Extra stats: +15 STR or DEX or INT (depend which one is bigger), +100HP and MP (150HP for vampires).
- Extra rank rate: clan master: 2.5x, sub masters: 1.8x, other members: 1.3x.
- Monsters inside Tepez and Bathory (clone) lairs, or Golden Rois from Asylion may drop the Tepez Summoning scroll.
- The chance of BB to decrease the options (when fail) is reduced to 5%.
The Crown Buff
Hunt and kill Tepez in Water Way to bless all your race with the Crown Buff:
- Some buffs duration is increased.
- More fame while killing the monsters.
- The money that drop while killing the monsters is increased.
- Chance to get the Ascendant Morgoth pet shape when using Mask of Monster.
- Menegroth B6 hearts drop rate is increased.
- You get `some` honor points while pvp-ing, with out being in war (the points are refreshed from 15 in 15 mins).
This buff stays for 3 hours or till another race kill Tepez. If another race kill Tepez, you still have it untill logout.
Tepez spawn in WW from 4 in 4 hours. But you can also summon him using the Tepez Summoning Scroll, inside WW. You can collect this summoning scroll inside the Tepez and Bathory (clone) lairs, or killing the Golden Rois in Asylion, as long as you have the Guild Awareness Buff.
Note: you can also get this buf by trading Fame ar MR. Pumpkin.
Knot Buff
You can unlock this buf if you use 2 knots in your gear. This buff will increase rank exp and fame you are making.
To get the knots, you need to trade a GDR Pendant at Pumpkin NPC. The knots can be no option, 1, r or 3 options. The number of options you get are based on chance.
Fire of Awaken
Each time you kill a monster, or a player you accumulate a certain score. The score is based on:
- PVM: monster type and monster level
- PVP: level difference between you and target.
Each 15 minutes, based on the above score one top player will be chosen from each race, which will receive the Hero of Awaken flame.
This buf is reset from 15 in 15 minutes or each time the player log-in to game. After the 15 minute pass, you can win again the buf or someone else will win it.
While having this buf you gain:
- 30% more pet experience
- Double Black Smoke points during wars (not honor points)
- 100 more Moju
- 50% more protection
- opponent critical is ignored
- 300 HP
- 20% discount on market sale: while you have the buf, put the items you want to go in cart, then log out from game, buy the itmes, then log back in
Note: remember that you loose the buf when you log-in and/or after 15 minutes.
Please read this text before looking on the skills table! There are some rules that are mandatory to know for easier understanding of skill table.
The EFFECT, you see in the table, refer to what the main feature of the skill is. (if it is an attack skill EFFECT will refer to damage, if it is a buff will refer to what the buff does)
The RANGE, you see in the table, may refer to: distance between caster and enemy or ground, distance between targets (for an aoe)
The DURATION, you see in the table, the duration can be fixed or based on stats, or party numbers.
Some ranks give an extra bonus to specific skills (not talking here about what the rank does)
How important an attribute it is for the specific skill`s effect, duration or cool down will be noted as: STR:??, DEX:??? . The symbol ? goes from 1 (low importance) to 4 (very high importance). For example: INT:??? this means that the skill gets most of its effect from int vs INT:? which means the skill`s effect will be improved by int in small amount
All skills have effect or duration or cd based on skill level! So keep in mind that for any skill, the skill level is mandatory to be high level (slayers and vampires have their skill level up to 100 - increase by leveling, ousters up to 30 - increase with skill points).
All magical skills are affected by opponent resistance, except those where it is specified! The resistance of the opponent can affect (depending on skill): the damage of a skill, the duration or the success rate.
Some skills are capped (they have a maximum), we did not specify this information in the table, but you will notice it in game.
We did not include all skills. However, if some important skill we did not list please open a ticket about it and we will add its information to the table.
Please keep in mind that we cannot provide direct formulas of the skills in order to prevent exploitation and to maintain a fair and balanced gameplay experience.
STR ♦♦♦♦
Effect reffer to defence, Damage and Protection bonuses, while Tohit bonus is skill level based.
air shield
Reduce melee damage received by a percent based on skill level.Capped at 70%.
burning sol
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on caster`s damage.
spit stream
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on caster`s damage.
dragon tornado
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on caster`s damage and skill level.
Based on skill level.
STR ♦♦♦♦
Based on skill level
moon card
Increased damage and duration; All tornados will have same damage.
bomb crash walk
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on caster`s damage and skill level.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
goldy set
More damage and range Success rate for bomb effect is 100% Does crit
blade storm
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on attack range.
Gets more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.
dancing sword
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Increase your tohit with a bonus.
Increase hp with a bonus based on skill level.
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
bike crash
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on damage and skill level.
Loose sight effect ratio is based on the difference between caster and target levels.
moon card
Increased damage; 60% chances to do crit.
shine sword
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ Based on damage and skill level.
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on range.
The silver effect amount is based on str.
goldy set
Increased damage and range; Makes silver damage. 70% chances to stun the main target
heavenly spark
Based on caster`s damage and Infinity Thunderbolt level.
The silver effect amount is based on str. Gets more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.
heart catalyst
The heal amount is based on the number of bullets left.
Based on skill level.
Damage bonus is based on STR Tohit bonus is based on DEX Both bonuses also based on skill level.
observing eye
After rank 30. A bonus is applied of 30 seconds.
Damage and critical bonuses are based on skill level.
eagle eye 2
Increase Tohit with a 20% bonus.
STR ♦♦♦♦
plasma rocket
STR ♦♦♦♦
Skill tohit bonus is based on str.
harpoon bomb
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level and damage.
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on range.
moon card
100% hit rate use 2 bullets instead of 5 duration of harpoon is increased to 30 seconds
satellite bomb
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level and damage. 25% chances to give blind to creatures around
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level
goldy set
100% hit rate use 5 bullets instead of 10 100% hit rate 70% chances to give blind effect to cratures around bomb makes silver damage
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level and damage.
Based on range.
Gets more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.
protection from curse
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by party size.
INT ♦♦♦♦
cool down
Skill level.
Increase the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
protection from poison
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by party size.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
Skill level.
Increase the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
protection from acid
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by party size.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
Skill level.
Increase the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
protection from blood
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by party size.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
Skill level.
Increase the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
denial magic
Reduce magical damage by 20%.
cure critical wounds
Affected by party size. Improved by Holy Cross (ctrl+1) as extra bonus.
Skill level.
cure serious wounds
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦ A bonus is given while using holy cross.
Doesnt work over summon clay.
The resistance bonus is based on skill level and can be maximum 30% with a 30sec duration. When you get resurrected, the healed hp is based on skill level: 100% hp if skill level is 100
cause critial wounds
INT ♦♦♦♦ A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing rank.
The resistance bonus is based on skill level.
vigor drop
INT ♦♦♦♦ A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing.
Based on skill level.
This skill hits the target 2 times: the second hit damage is 30% from the inital damage.
INT ♦♦♦♦ A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing.
Skill level.
bombing star
INT ♦♦♦♦ A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing.
The skill ignores the opponenet resistance.
passing heal
Heals hp based on range. Improved with holy cross (ctrl+1).
This skill can also cure, based on a chance: poisons/doom/blunting/paralyze/seduction
moon card
The heal amount is increased by 50% 100% success rate of cure
illusion inversion
INT ♦♦♦♦
This skill have a healing effect: the effect can be activated with a 25% chance and stays for 20 seconds;the heal amount is based on your int but maximum 100hp.
godly set
Summon 1 or 2 guards to help in combat The second effect success rate and damage is increased. The heal amount is increased to 150hp per hit.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based also on range and soul smashing rank.
Skill gets more damage from 10 in 10 levels.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by party size.
After 1000 INT it increase based on int, up to 5 min.
The bonus can be increase up to maximum 25%.
INT ♦♦♦♦
After 1000 INT it increase based on int, up to 5 min. Affected by party size.
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦ Can reflect maximum 300% from damage received Reflect only melee attacks The reflection can be reduced by opponenet resistance Vampires can break their Mephisto if the countered damage is greater than 1/3 from vampire hp Keep in mind that not all skills can be reflected
aura shield
Reduce attacker hp with 10% from the damage made. The MP consumtion is based on damage that skill makes. It consume less MP vs phsycal attacks. The damage blocked is based on the skill level.
Affected by party size.
Doesnt work vs grounds attaks.
holy armor 2
INT ♦♦♦♦
Skill level.
spirit guard
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by target level.
50sec fixed 25sec cast on others
Cannot be used if thorns are active.
INT ♦♦♦♦
intimate grail
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦
Give hp and def when cast on slayers. Remove 25% def and hp when cast on others.
aura ring
INT ♦♦♦♦ A bonus is given if rank is learned: Holy Smashing rank.
Skill ignores opponent resistance. The duration differ if cast on self or on others.
sweep vice
INT ♦♦♦♦
Damage is based on skill steps: first step have more damage vs the last step. This skill ignore opponent resistance.
divine guidance
INT ♦♦♦♦
Based on skill level
Skill has more damage to monsters.
rotten apple
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
moon card
Increased damage and aoe range.
rotten apple
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
godly set
On first time used the clear/cure have wider area. Increased damage. Makes silver damage per hit (by default).
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by range.
6min fixed 3min cast on others
The skill gets more damage from 10 in 10 levels.
Please read this text before looking on the skills table! There are some rules that are mandatory to know for easier understanding of skill table.
The EFFECT, you see in the table, refer to what the main feature of the skill is. (if it is an attack skill EFFECT will refer to damage, if it is a buff will refer to what the buff does)
The RANGE, you see in the table, may refer to: distance between caster and enemy or ground, distance between targets (for an aoe)
The DURATION, you see in the table, the duration can be fixed or based on stats, or party numbers.
Some ranks give an extra bonus to specific skills (not talking here about what the rank does)
How important an attribute it is for the specific skill`s effect, duration or cool down will be noted as: STR:??, DEX:??? . The symbol ? goes from 1 (low importance) to 4 (very high importance). For example: INT:??? this means that the skill gets most of its effect from int vs INT:? which means the skill`s effect will be improved by int in small amount. Another example: STR ??? DEX ??? INT ??? this means that the skill`s effect benefit from all 3: 150str will give same effect as 150dex or 150int or as 50str+50dex+50int
All skills have effect or duration or cd based on skill level! So keep in mind that for any skill, the skill level is mandatory to be high level (slayers and vampires have their skill level up to 100 - increase by leveling, ousters up to 30 - increase with skill points).
All magical skills are affected by opponent resistance, except those where it is specified! The resistance of the opponent can affect (depending on skill): the damage of a skill, the duration or the success rate.
Some skills are capped (they have a maximum), we did not specify this information in the table, but you will notice it in game.
We did not include all skills. However, if some important skill we did not list please open a ticket about it and we will add its information to the table.
Please keep in mind that we cannot provide direct formulas of the skills in order to prevent exploitation and to maintain a fair and balanced gameplay experience.
yellow poison
INT ♦♦♦♦
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by knowledge of poison. Decreased by opponent resistance.
green poison
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦
This skill decrease ousters mages damage by a percent.
darkblue poison
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
success rate
Affected by knowledge of poison. The effect of mana decrease is not affected by opponent resistance.
This skill ignores opponent resistance.
acid storm
STR ♦ INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of acid.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of acid.
Affected by rank wide storm.
success rate
Affected by rank knowledge of acid.
This skill ignores opponent resistance. Also the skill hits 4 times if knowledge of acid is learned.
acid ball
STR ♦♦ INT ♦♦♦
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by knowledge of acid. Affected by skill level.
acid strike
STR ♦ INT ♦♦ Affected by knowledge of acid.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
bloody ball
STR ♦♦ DEX ♦♦ INT ♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of blood.
Ignore opponent resistance.
bloody knife
STR ♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by knowledge of blood.
bloody wave
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦
bloody wall
STR ♦♦ INT ♦♦♦
DEX ♦♦ INT ♦♦♦
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
success rate
Affected by rank knowledge of blood.
bloody zenith
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦ Affected by rank tiger nail.
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦ Affected by rank tiger nail.
success rate
Affected by rank knowledge of blood.
rapid gliding
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
DEX ♦♦♦♦
meteor strike
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦♦ INT ♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of innate. Affected by caster level.
Knowledge of innate rank will increase the damage cap of the skill (cap noticeable on higher int).
blood drain 2
success rate
Based on tohit / defense ratio and level.
Cannot be used together with mephisto and stone skin.
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
Blood Drain doesn`t work while this buff is active.
stone skin
INT ♦♦♦♦
STR ♦ INT ♦♦♦♦
cool down
STR ♦ INT ♦♦♦♦
Decrease all type of damage up to 25%, based on int. Versus gunners can decrease 100% based on a chance. Blood Drain doesn`t work while this buff is active.
bloody shout 2
Increase hp by 30%.
blood curse
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦
DEX ♦♦♦♦
success rate
Based on symposion attack.
The effect represent the Defense, Protection and HP penalty.
curse of blood
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by knowledge of blood.
bat storm 2
STR ♦♦ DEX ♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of innate.
gray darkness
INT ♦♦♦♦
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦
set afire
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦ Affected by rank tiger nail.
cool down
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦
violent phantom
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦
wild wolf
STR ♦ DEX ♦♦♦
moon card
100% tohit rate 60% chances to give Hallucination Increased push range.
bloody symposion
STR ♦ DEX ♦♦♦♦
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
godly set
Bloody Curse success rate is 100% The debuff limit is increased Increased damage.
lethal claw
STR ♦♦ DEX ♦
Damage increase by a percent from 10 in 10 levels up to level 350.
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by opponent resistance.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse. Affected by opponent resistance.
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse. Affected by opponent resistance.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse.
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse. Affected by opponent resistance.
STR ♦♦ INT ♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse. Affected by opponent resistance.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of curse. Affected by opponent resistance.
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by opponent resistance.
cool down
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦♦
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by opponent resistance.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by caster level.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank wisdom of silence. Affected by opponent resistance.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
success rate
INT ♦♦♦♦
The effect reffers to the damage decrease `buf` the enemy received while being paralyzed.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank wisdom of darkness.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by rank wide darkness.
noose of wraith
INT ♦♦♦♦
This skill ignores opponent resistance.
Affected by opponent all resistance.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by opponent all resistance. Based on skill level.
moon card
Ignores opponent resistance by 70%, which results in longer duration. 100% success rate.
bloody scarify
DEX ♦ INT ♦♦♦ Affected by knowledge of blood.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Affected by knowledge of blood.
godly set
Second effect has more damage, makes crit and can give Death or Seduction or Doom any of the hit area targets.
venom circle
INT ♦♦♦♦ Affected by rank knowledge of acid.
INT ♦♦♦♦ This reffers to the poison effect.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
Damage increase by a percent from 10 in 10 levels up to level 350. Cannot hit if levels difference (between caster and enemy) is bigger than 100.
Please read this text before looking on the skills table! There are some rules that are mandatory to know for easier understanding of skill table.
The EFFECT, you see in the table, refer to what the main feature of the skill is. (if it is an attack skill EFFECT will refer to damage, if it is a buff will refer to what the buff does)
The RANGE, you see in the table, may refer to: distance between caster and enemy or ground, distance between targets (for an aoe)
The DURATION, you see in the table, the duration can be fixed or based on stats, or party numbers.
Some ranks give an extra bonus to specific skills (not talking here about what the rank does)
How important an attribute it is for the specific skill`s effect, duration or cool down will be noted as: STR:??, DEX:??? . The symbol ? goes from 1 (low importance) to 4 (very high importance). For example: INT:??? this means that the skill gets most of its effect from int vs INT:? which means the skill`s effect will be improved by int in small amount
All skills have effect or duration or cd based on skill level! So keep in mind that for any skill, the skill level is mandatory to be high level (slayers and vampires have their skill level up to 100 - increase by leveling, ousters up to 30 - increase with skill points).
All magical skills are affected by opponent resistance, except those where it is specified! The resistance of the opponent can affect (depending on skill): the damage of a skill, the duration or the success rate.
Some skills are capped (they have a maximum), we did not specify this information in the table, but you will notice it in game.
We did not include all skills. However, if some important skill we did not list please open a ticket about it and we will add its information to the table.
Please keep in mind that we cannot provide direct formulas of the skills in order to prevent exploitation and to maintain a fair and balanced gameplay experience.
divine spirit
Skill level.
Skill level.
Reduce incomming magic damage by 50% consuming the mp. The mp consumed is 25% from the damage decreased.
critical magic
Skill level.
Specific skills can do extra damage with a chance, based on Critical Magic level: Kasa Arrow, Blaze Bolt, Earth Teeth, Hands of Nizie, Stone Auger, Emission Water, Beat Head, Magnuam Spear, Fire Piercing, Summon Fire Elemental, Ice Lance and Meteor Storm.
The chance can be maximum 20% if Critical Magic level is 30.
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
After 600 dex the buf gives a bonus.
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦ Skill level.
DEX ♦♦ INT ♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
success ratio
STR ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Bonus ia capped at 1000. If used over requital any reflected damage comes back to you.
cross guard
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level. Capped.
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level. Capped.
If dex > str-200 a bonus is applied.
sharp chakram
Skill level.
The bonus can be maximum 20%.
hide sight
Skill level.
Increase tohit and attak speed with a fixed amount. If str > dex+100 the tohit bonus is greater.
shift break
STR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
The skill also remove darkness based on a chance, which can be maximum 90% if the skill level is maximized.
destruction spear
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
succ rate
The poison success rate is based on skill level.
The mastery increase the dmg of the skill based on mastery level.
charging attack
STR ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Skill level. A duration bonus is applied if bless fire passive is in use.
Skill level.
distance blitz
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦ Skill level.
The skill hits a 3x3. the main damage is made to the targeted enemy while the damage made to monsters nearby is decreased based on range.
sharp hail
STR ♦♦ DEX ♦♦
The skill hits 4 times.
squally barrier2
Reduce damage received by 80%.
STR ♦♦♦♦ Based on the range between the effect and enemy. The damage is based on skill level.
DEX ♦♦♦♦
moon card
Better damage and skill duration,
heter chakram
STR ♦♦ DEX ♦
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦
Skill hits 3 times, with the last bomb doing higher damage. The damage is based on skill level.
godly set
Hit up to 10 targets (instead of 5) The bombs have more damage 20% chances to give Block Head to any of the targets
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦♦ Damage based on either dex or str.
fire duration
DEX ♦♦♦♦
Increase damage with a percent from 10 in 10 levels.
hands of fire
Skill level. A bonus is applied if the fire is buffed with reactive armor.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Skill level.
Cannot be cast over certain ground skills.
ring of flare
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
fire piercing
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Does critical with 20% chance. Crit items improve this chance.
magnum spear
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level. Skill mastery.
Skills level.
The skill ignore opponent resistance Also the mastery increase the dmg based on its lvl but with out the mastery the skill gets a chance to do critical damage: the chance is based on the skill level (max 25%)
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
INT ♦♦♦♦
Cannot be cast over certain ground skills.
summon miga
INT ♦♦♦♦
Skill level.
The summoned miga`s damage is based on the caster`s int.
fierce flame
INT ♦♦♦♦ The damage is based on skill level.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
moon card
The skill will hit more targets (in bigger area) but will do slightly less damage.
dummy drake
INT ♦♦♦♦ The damage is based on skill level.
DEX ♦♦♦♦
godly set
The bomb effect of the skil is replaced with an army of Miga that will do damage in the nearby targets.
INT ♦♦♦♦ The damage is based on skill level.
The skill will get more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.
emission water
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level. Affected by water endow rank.
ice field
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level. Capped.
Based on duration.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Capped.
Cannot be cast over summon clay.
water barrier
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Works agains magical attacks only (some attacks ignore water barrier). The effect can be maximum 50%.
nymph recovery
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
Skill level.
Effect amount differ if the skill is cast on self or on others Cure poisons and flare If water force is activated (ctrl+1) the effect bonus is bigger
Skill level.
Cure the paralize based on a chance which is based on the skill level and paralyze level.
ice lance
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Skill level.
Mastery increase the skill damage with a percent based on mastery level (maxim 15% on mastery lvl 30).
This skill ignores the opponent resistance.
soul rebirt
Skill level.
Skill level.
Skill level.
Increase the skill range Increase the mount of HP resurrected Increase the success rate
frozen armor
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill lvl. A doration bonus to the freeze effect is added with rank undines knowledge.
explosion water
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Skill level.
cool down
Skill level.
dmg reduce
Skill level.
Does critical with a chance based on skill level.
ice horizon
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level. The heal amount is boosed while using water force (ctr+1).
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
shadow of storm
INT ♦♦♦♦ Range.
Based on skill level.
Duration reffers to the ground effect that kepe harming the enemies.
moon card
The skill ground effect (the invisible splahs) damage and duration are increased.
hydro convergence
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
cool down
DEX ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
Reduce the hp,mp (vampire mp reduce is added to hp reduce) This skill also have a bomb with aoe affect; bomb which is triggered with a ratio of 15%
godly set
Damage is increased The splash effect makes one time crit and give paralize to monsters.
frozen glacier
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
Dmg increase from 10 in 10 levels. Gives freeze effect based on a 20% ratio.
Skill level.
succ rate
Based on skill level: however on max level the skill wil still have a 10% fail rate.
gnomes whisper
INT ♦♦♦♦
Can see Hide, Invisibility and Snipining modes.
stone auger
INT ♦♦♦♦
cool down
Skill level.
refusal ether
cool down
Skill level.
Darkness is removed with a ratio based on skill level and int.
reactive armor
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Gives more protection and defense bonuses. Also adds to the skill effect a enemy damage decrease feature which is based on mastry lvl.
ground bless
STR ♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ INT ♦♦♦ Skill level.
A little bonus is given to the skill effect based on the advancent level of the caster. The bonus is capped.
summon ground element
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
Basedon duration.
Ground elment`s HP is based on skill level.
meteor storm
INT ♦♦♦♦ Skill level.
cool down
Skill level.
This skill ignores oppoenent resistance.
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
moon card
Bigger area and more damage.
summon clay
The skill clears: darkness, gray darkness, regeneration, acid swamp, mercy ground, sword of thor, bloody wall, yellow and green poisons, ice filed, sanctuary, temeons and install turret. All ousters inside the circle will decrease the incoming damage by a fixed percent; magical attacks are decreased more than the physical ones.
cool down
INT ♦♦♦♦
godly set
On first time used, the skill will clear/cure a wider area. The protection inside the area is increased. Based on chance, the enemies in the area can get Tendril.
asteroid bomber
INT ♦♦♦♦ Based on skill level.
The skill increase its damage by a percent from 10 in 10 levels.
Notes about Defense and Tohit
ToHit and Defense work as opposing abilities that determine the probability of landing an attack. When a player`s ToHit is close to or higher than the opponent`s Defense, the chance of hitting is higher. However, as the ToHit stat falls below the opponent`s Defense, the probability of landing a hit decreases significantly, yet it’s never reduced to zero! Meaning that even with low Tohit there’s always a slight chance of success.
In the original game and most "old" private servers, the Defense, Tohit, and Protection stats you can apply to each item are limited to around 10-15 points per item. With, lets say, 20 items equipped, this adds up to an insignificant boost, as the game`s mechanics make a total of 15*20 Defense, for instance, nearly irrelevant in combat - reason why almost no one makes def set or prot set. However, in Awaken, these stats are capped at 50 per item, allowing for a meaningful impact on gameplay and making these options more valuable for your set. Not to mention that this chnage open more doors in the set type making.
Another important note about tohit in Awaken are about the strength builds. In order to help the STR users to progress, the system gives you a bonus of Tohit like so: Slayers They get a Tohit bonus by default only if their STR > (DEX+100) and STR > 1000. Vampires They get a Tohit bonus when they use Mephisto only if STR > (DEX+100). If STR > 1000 then get a second bonus. Ousters They get a Tohit bonus by leveling Hide Sight skills if STR > (DEX+100). Note: Hide Sight already give Tohit as skill function, but if the user is a STR then the bonus he gets is bigger.
Look on this photo for a comparation of different stages between ouster and vampire.
Physical Damage
The damage made by physical attacks is based on your Damage, Skills damage bonuses, Critical and opponent`s Protection.
The damage you make in an opponent it is reduced by his Protection, based on a formula. If the hit is a critical hit, the opponent Protection is ignored (hence, your hit damage is not reduced anymore).
Some skills have critical bonuses, but you can increase the chance to do critical by using Critical options on your gear.
- Your Damage is affected by: Min-Max Damage, Possible ranks that affect damage, specific bufs that give damage bonuses and Damage items.
- In case of slayers (mostly all the skills) and vampires (some of the skills) the Damage option is used in skills damage formula, which make Damage option important for the final damage. While in ousters the Damage options is added to the overall damage and not included in the skills formulas, therefor ousters get the `important damage` from pure stats.
- Vampires and Monsters have lower Protection in day (by ~15%) and higher Protection in night (by ~25%).
Physical Hit Success
The hitting success rate is a chance value based on the difference between your Tohit and opponent`s Defense.
Because it works as a chance, it means that a 300 Tohit is possible to hit a 1000 Defense rare, while a 600 tohit will hit 1000 defense more often.
- Some skills have a tohit bonus (means that even your tohit is low in comparation with opponent defense, the hit can be a success).
- Vampires and Monsters have lower Tohit/Defense in day (by ~15%) and higher Tohit/Defense in night (by ~25%).
- Tohit doesn`t increase your damage and Defense doesn`t lower the received damage.
Magical Damage
The damage made by magical attacks is based on your INT, Skills damage bonuses and opponent`s All Resistance.
The hit damage you make is reduced by the opponent All Resistance, based on a formula.
Note: Following skills ignore opponent`s All Resistance (so their damage / effect is not reduced): Acid Storm, Bloody Ball, Darkblue Poison, Noose of Wrath, Bombing Star, Aura Ring, Sweep Vice, Meteor Storm, Ice Lance and Magnum Spear.
Magical Hit Success
The magical hit success rate is a chance value based on the difference between your Magical Penetration and opponent`s Magical Defense.
Because Awaken do not use options such as PVP%, Increase & Decrease, The Magical Penetration and Defense are calculated (like in old days) based on your INT and opponent`s level and in some cases based on opponent`s All Resistance. The Magical Penetrate is equivalent with your INT/3. While the magical defense is equivalent with a formula based on opponent`s Level and All Resistance.
- Some of the skills have effects that are altered by opponent`s All resistance: or the duration of effect or the power of the effect.
Magic/Physic Attack
(The options you are seing on Zaps and Horus+ Items.)
Because Awaken do not use options such as PVP%, Increase & Decrease, this option works as a percent bonus to the Magical or Physical Damage your hit is making.
For example magical attack: a sum is made with all magical attack you have, the sum is "converted" into a percent value, and then the final damage you make is increased by that percent. However, the maximum percent you can get at is 40%.
- Using this options in high amount (high grade zaps, osiris items) will make a `worthy` difference, as it can increase the dmg you make (or decrease the damage you receive) up to 40%;
All Resistance
This options works as a both defense and/or protection vs magical attacks.
As a mage, when you fit a All Resiatance user with a magical attack, several things will happen:
- or your damage get decreased because of his All Resistance
- or your skills effects will fail agains him
- or the durration of the skills will be less against him.
Al Resistance can be countered with Magic Penetration, which in Awaken is your INT/3. In other words: more int you have less issue the opponent`s All Resistance will be.
In Awaken, Magic Avoid Books give All Resistance when learned + a magic attack avoid chance:
MA1 - gives 50 All Resistance
MA2 - gives 100 All Resistance
MA3 - gives 150 All Resistance (you can get this book only by trading your Honor for it)
Avoid chance:
- If you have MA1+MA2, the avoid chance triggers only if you have more then 600 All Resistance;
- If you have MA1+MA2+MA3 the avoid chance triggers even if you have 600 or not All resistance.
To avoid confusion please note: in Awaken, Magical refer to mages and Physical to melee. For example: Magical Damage - refer to overall damage that come from a mage, while Physical Damage - refer to the damage made by combats.
Day / Night
Both Vampires and Monsters have a handicap in day and a benefit in night: in day, their Defense, Tohit and Protection is reduced by 15%, while in night it is increased by 25%. This hadicap and benefit are not seen in the Info window.
Example: if your info window shows that you have 1200 Defense this means that in Neutral time you will have 1200, in Day you will have 1020 and in Night you will have 1500.
Critical Hit Mechanism
Critical hits are chance-based and don`t directly increase damage. They ignore protection of the opponent, providing an extra damage opportunity.
Based on how much CRIT you have, you get a chance to do critical damage and/or push. Please note the "and/or": you can do crit with out the push (just the extra damage) or you can do crit with only the push (not the extra damage) this behavior depend on skills and monsters (some ignore the push). However, CRIT does not increase your damage in a direct way. As you know, when you hit a target the final damage you make it is reduced by opponent protection (among others). Now, when CRIT occur, the protection-reduce is ignored, therefor you do extra damage. But in terms of options, crit doesn`t ADD damage to your actual damage, nor increase it. CRIT will only ignore the "protection-damage-reduce" formula.
Please keep in mind that CRIT works as a chance. More crit you have => more CHANCE you have to do the push and/or the bigger damage.
In awaken, this mechanims have an extra part: the opponent has a chance to defend agains the crit with his level. In other words, the chance to do crit in someone, can be reduced by his level.
When the crit succeed, an effect appears on the targets to show you that the hit was a critical one.
What is Silver?
Silver is an extra damage dealt by Slayers to enemies (Monsters, Vampires and Ousters) giving them a silver status on their HP bars which reduces their max HP.
Silver damage is not affected by All Resistance.
By default, ousters receive more silver dmg than vampires, but they also have a rank that decrease the silver dmg received.
Silver damage is based on the hit damage and caster level.
When using the Godly set, some of the 161 skills will make silver by default even if the weapon is enchanted or not
How to activate Silver?
All Slayers weapons (mages, melee and ranged) can be gild with silver at NPC: Smairovich Knight Guild 1F (Eslania NW). Gunners can use Silver Bullets to have extra Silver Damage.
Enchanter Throw Holy Water skill, can be cast with out CD and makes silver damage depened on bottle type.
- Small Holy Bottle = silver damage random between 10 and 50
- Medium Holy Bottle = silver damage random between 60 and 100
- Large Holy Bottle = silver damage random between 150 and 250
When using Create Holy Water (to create the Holy Water bottlers) a fee will be asked in game money:
- Small Holy Bottle = 30.000.000
- Medium Holy Bottle = 100.000.000
- Large Holy Bottle = 300.000.000
How to heal Silver damage?
- Using the Honey Rice Cake from Pumpkin NPC
- You can heal through various spells: Summon Casket, Bite of Death (as long as Mephistopheles is not active), Blood Drain, Transfusion, Nymph Recovery, Summon Water Elemental, Ice Horizon
- Transport methods can also heal your silver: Death Neither and Silestean
One & Two options items
Blue Drop This item can increase only one option items up to a maximum (see the limits chapter). It has a very low success rate, but can be increased using a luck helpers. In case of failure will not down the item.
Blue Bird 1 This item can increase only two options items up to a maximum (see the limits chapter). It has a very low success rate, but can be increased using a luck helpers. When success both options or only one can be increased. In case of failure, if you have the Guild Awarnedd Buff, will not down the item.
Blue Bird 2 This item can increase only two options items over the maximum of Bird1 (see the limits chapter). This item wil fail alot, but the failure rate can be improved using a luck set. Condition to use: the item must be grade over 10
Amplification Stone of Ancient With this item you can increase with 100% success rate one and two options items, over the limits of Bird1 (see the limits chapter). Condition to use: the item must be grade over 10
Liliths 1 You can give and increase the enchant (rare) options to your items using Lilith items. For weapons you need to use Lilith Will (combat) or Lilith Spirit (mage). For drops you need Lilith Drop. Lilith 1 items have a low success rate and if they fail they will lower the grade.
Liliths 2 Lilith 2 items have 100% success rate. Can be found only in lairs, bosses or special events.
Ordinary Yellow Drop When you hunt in low level maps (or if you luck is low), the items you will find in drops have low grade. Alos, each time you increase the item class, the grade will go down to 1. To increase the grade you can use the Ordinary Yellow Drop which have a very low success rate. The rate can be improvided using the luck helpers.
Yellow Drop 3 You can increase an item grade with 100% success rate, up to 10.
Ascend Yellow Drop In Awaken you can increase item grade over 10 (X). To do so collect this item and visit Sophia NPC. Please note that this item has a low success rate and when a item gets the grade above X, you will not longer see the grade on the item name. Also note, that when you increase the grade of an item, for armore items you gain extra def and prot, for accesories you get extra luck, while for weapon you get extra dmg and crit.
Three options items
The 3 option items have a different enchantment system: check on Sophia NPC for details.
Also, not all set can be made from 3 options items. You can find specific items with already 3 options, and using this system you can work on them: Cues (Dracula), Knots (Tiff), Zaps (GDR), Relic/Chain (Secret GDR Chamber), Coats (Sius), Weapons (R5), Rings (HellGarden), Dermis/Fascia/Receiver/Persona/Mitten/Shoulder (Onibla/Astrals)
Ascend Coral Core
In case of success, 1,2 or all 3 options will be increased and you will pay 1x Ascent Coral Core + a sum of game money.
The success rate can be increased by the luck helpers. In case of failure you still use 1x Ascent Coral Core but the options value will not go down. However, there is a small chance (5%) that one option will be removed - if this happens, your item will become a regular 2 option item hence can no longer be enchanted with this system.
The sum of game money is based on option type, value and how many are increased. This sum can be between 450kk and 1.5uk. Can be used on: Cues, Knots, Zaps, Relic/Chain, Coats, Weapons, Rings, Dermis/Fascia/Receiver/Persona/Mitten/Shoulder
Ascent Lilith Core
In case of success, 1,2 or all 3 options will be increased and you will pay 1x Ascent Lilith Core + 500.000.000 game money.
The success rate can be increased by the luck helpers. In case of failure you still use 1x Ascent Lilith Core but the options value will not go down. However, there is a small chance (1%) that one option will be replaced with another option.
If the item have no enchant options, you will get 3 random options - you cannot get: All Attribute, HP Regen and MP Regen. Can be used on all 3 options items but not on Zaps and Relic/Chain
Refine Stone of Ancient
In case of success, you will give or increase the 4th rare option and you will pay 1x Refine Stones of Ancient + game money.
The success rate can be increased by the luck helpers. In case of failure you still use 1x Refine Stones of Ancient but the options value will not go down. However, there is a small chance (1%) that one option will be replaced with another option.
The 4th option you can get is one of: Knockback Resistance, Reaper Compensation, Primal Ferocity or the rare LevelUP Rush option: Knockback Resistance With values between 6 and 10 this option will decrease the chances for you to be pushed when a crit occur. This option does not change the crit damage effect, only the push. Reaper Compensation With values between 6 and 10, this option will increase the amount of game money you find while killing monsters. Primal Ferocity With values between 1 and 5, this option will increase the pets experience gain, based on the option value. If you have 3 items with this option maxed (+15), your pet will do 3 times more experience. LevelUP Rush With values between 1 and 5, this super rare option will increase the level experience you make. If you have 3 items with this option maxed (+15), you will make almost 2 times more experience.
This item can be used only on Cues and Coats with 3 options.
Ascend Yellow Drop In Awaken you can icnrease item grade over 10 (X). To do so collect this item and visit Sophia NPC. Please note that this item has a low success rate and when a item gets the grade above X, you will not longer see the grade on the item name.
Item class
Hellgarden Shard
In Awaken, the articles are replaced by this item.
To do so, visit Sophia NPC and use this item to increase the item class. This item works based on chance which decrease while you approch with the item to Osiris class.
Please keep in mind that Osiris is the maximum class you can have on your items, which means will not be too easy to get it. Also, each time you increase the item class, its grade is lowered to 1.
An important note about enchanting:
Your luck set and helpers you are using are very important on success rates. Also higher the item grade is, low success rate you have on enchants.
Also, make sure you have extra free space in inventory when you are using the Sophia NPC (space: 2 times the item you are working).
And finally to mention as a reminder that this server has a slow/hard rate.
When increasing the options, this are the maximum values you can get:
23 (BB Only)
23 (BB Only)
You have different items that help you create an item.
Corals With this item you can give one option to a item with no options. You can buy 5 different corals, each color givven a different option: Black - Damage Blue - Int Green - Dex Red - Str Olivegreen - Luck Note: Options such as: HP/MP Steal, HP/MP Regen and All resistance can be found only in drops.
Crystal With this item you can give (or change) the option of items with a single options (or no option). The options you get are random and the value you get are based on the character luck. Note: Options such as: HP/MP Steal, HP/MP Regen and All resistance can be found only in drops.
Mystery Coral Cave This rare item is used to give (or change) the rare options on items with 3 main options.
Refine Stone of Ancient This rare item is used to increase (or change) the 4th rare option, on a item with 4 options.
The options you can get as 4th option are the following:
Knockback Resistance With values between 6 and 10 this option will decrease the chances for you to be pushed when a crit occur. This option does not change the crit damage effect, only the push.
Reaper Compensation With values between 6 and 10, this option will increase the amount of game money you find while killing monsters.
Primal Ferocity With values between 1 and 5, this option will increase the pets experience gain, based on the option value. If you have 3 items with this option maxed (+15), your pet will do 3 times more experience.
LevelUP Rush With values between 1 and 5, this super rare option will increase the level experience you make. If you have 3 items with this option maxed (+15), you will make almost 2 times more experience.
Puritas This item is used to remove one option from a item with 2 options.
Forges This item is used to combine 2 items with one option each into a item with 2 options.
Options that exists in same group cannot be forged together. Also, items grade difference but not be bigger then 2.
Example: if both items have options in same group (STR and INT) you cannot forge them together.
The GDR Buff Everywhere, from any monster you can find the Lilith Apple. Once you find this item type in normal chat: atu su amurru to activate the GDR luck buf. The buf stays for 30 minutes and disappear on logout. You can also get this buf in random chances doing the GDR lair. This luck buff affect the drops only!
The Fortune Cookie Using this buf your enchant luck is increase by 2 times. You can find this item by killing the Ores inside Rodin NW. Once you found it right click on it to get a 30 seconds Enchantment Luck buff. To be able to kill the Ores, you need to bring to the NPc 200 Cabracam hearts from Menegroth B6. The Ores can also drop Liliths 1 and 2.
Understanding the luck system
The luck system can help in 3 cases: drops, enchanting and box opening.
The success rate of an enchant is based on the luck system: more luck you have better odds of that enchant to succeed. But keep in mind that there is no way to make a enchant success rate 100% using luck or anything else.
Same idea when opening some of the boxes. Some boxes have progressive rewards (from low to high): this type of boxes are luck based, more luck you have decides in what range the reward to be. While other boxes, were rewards are in same range, the rewards are pure randomly.
In case of drops however, the luck system decide multiple things:Number of options of a dropped item, options values and its grade are based on a combination of your character luck and monster level; Some monsters or maps have by default luck bonuses or deremites. Note here that using the Lilith Apple can help significiant the drop rates.
V1 Skill books you can find anywhere in Drobeta (easy drop), Secret Chamber of GDR, Filed Tepez and Bathory, Miklizz, Marax, Eisen 4.
(Magic Shield 1,Eagle`s Eye 1,Freeze Ring 1,Bat Storm 1,Curse Of Blood 1,Bloody Shout 1,Mist Of Soul 1,Energy Burst,Magic Avoid 1,Magma Detonation 1,Squally Barrier 1.)
V2 Skill books can be found in same locations and bosses as V1 books but with a harder drop rate, as well as in Gusion Reliquary.
(V2 Books: Magic Shield 2,Eagle`s Eye 2,Freeze Ring 2,Bat Storm 2,Curse Of Blood 2,Blood Drain 2,Bloody Shout 2,Bloody Wings,Mist Of Soul 2,Magic Avoid 2,Magma Detonation 2,Squally Barrier 2)
Rare Books can be found in :Gusion Reliquary, Dracula Box
(Magic Avoid 1,Magic Avoid 2,Increase Of Health1,Increase Of Health2)
Magic Avoid 3 - you can get this book only by trading your Honor for it.
The 161 skill book (which is the last skill in Awaken) you can get it only by trading 1500 Symbols form Rupert (you will get the book based on your class), or by luck in Gusion Reliquary (randomly) or Trading GDR Pendant (randomly).
(Heavenly Spark,Blade Storm,eXplosion Rocket Launcher,Genesis,Thorns,Lethal Claw,Venom Circle,Brionac,Asteroid Bomber,Frozen Glacier,Incinerate)
Blue Drop You can find them in drops everywhere in Rodin, or buy them from web market.
Blue Bird 1 You can find them in drops everywhere in Rodin or Asylion 1, or buy them from web market.
Blue Bird 2 You can find them in drops in Asylion 2 (rare), Mystery Box, Meteor Box (sius) or buy them from web market.
Amplification Stone of Ancient You can get it by trading 100 Memories/Cores/Ordinances at Pumpkin NPC or find it in Dracula Box or Morgoth Reliquary.
Ascend Coral Core You can find them in the Mystery Box, Tunnel 3, Asylion 2 or Raohm 5 (better drop rate)
Ordinary Yellow Drop You can find them everywhere in Rodin.
Yellow Drop 3 You can find them in Tunnel 3 Boss, Mystery Box, or buy them from web market.
Ascend Yellow Drop You can find them in Rupert by killing the Warrior Spirit monsters. This spirit monsters you can summon them using an Ancient Scroll which drop on Tiff 1 Past boss.
Corals You can buy them only form web market.
Crystal You can get them in Menegroth Vouchers, Mystery Box, or buy them only from web market.
Liliths 1 You can find them in IK Lab 2 Boss, Menegroth Vouchers, Rodin Maps, Mystery Box, Joanna Boss, Bathory and Tepez Lairs, Asylion 1, Taiyan2, Garble Dungeon, Killing the Ores in rodin NW and Castle Guardians.
Liliths 2 Joanna Boss, Miklizi from Raohm 5, Field Bathory and Tepez, Dracula Map, Eisen 4, Trading at Rodin NW NPC, Ores in Rodin NW or Castle Guardians.
Ascent Lilith Core You can find it in Mystery Box, Asylion 2 or Luster Tower 2F (better drop rate)
Refine Stone of Ancient This rare item you can find it in Mystery Box, or on the drop of the bosses: Joanna, Miklizi, Field Bathory and Tepez, Astrals, Sius, Marax, Tunnel 3 Boss, Mothra.
Mystery Coral Cave You can find it in Dracula and Asylion 2 maps.
Hellgarden Shard You can find it killing monsters in Hellgarden 1.
Puritas You can find it Veiled Artifact (rare), Morgoth Reliquary or buy it from web market.
Forges You can find it Veiled Artifact (rare), Morgoth Reliquary or buy it from web market.
This are items that you put over other items, in you gear.
You can get a Zap each time you trade (at Pumpkin NPC) a GDR Pendant.
The zap you get will be with 1,2 or 3 options (or no option at all). To be able to get the 3rd option, your level must be over Maat and it is based on chance.
The zaps have 4 colors, each with a specific feature. The level of feature is decided by Zap`s Grade:
Physical Attack
Magic Attack
Physical Defense
Magic Defense
The zaps also have 2 disabled options (AA+3, Resistance+9) which are activated if you wear all 4 colors.
The Ancient Knots you can find it in Gusion`s Reliquary, a reward form Tiffauge 2.
This item you can find it with 1,2,3 options or no option at all. When you open the boxes your luck system will decide how many options the Knot will have.
When you wear both Knots, a aura will appear under your feet and:
- the fame you make is increased
- the rank you make is slighty increase.
You can get the Cues by trading 10x Elixirs at Markus NPC.
The Cues can be of 1,2 or 3 options. The number of options you get is based on the luck system.
Cues have disabled options that can be activated based on the color you wear:
Damage +20
AA +12
Tohit +50
MP or HP +300
This item you can find in the Treasure Box of GDR which you can get by killing Joanna in the Secret Chamber of GDR.
The Relic can be of 1, 2 or 3 options based on the luck system.
If you just started and you need your first items to start making a gear, Awaken recomands you to hunt them in Lost Taiyan 2.
In this map you can find Horus items as well most of them with out options.
Please noe that the grade of the items dropped is based on your luck. If you have no luck, most items you will find will be grade 1,2 or 3. However, you can increase the grade using Ordinary Yellow Drop (with a success rate) or Yellow Drop 3 (with 100% success rate).
Inside this map you can alos hunt Taylords (there 3 of them) and spawn each 4 hours. This boss can drop the GM box with the limited starter gear.
Gear for higher levels you can find in Asylion maps and Tiffauge.
To access Asylion 1 you need any of the premium cards. While accessing Asylion 2 it require 30 days premium card.
Inside this maps you can find Horus gears with better grade nad options.
Please note that the drop grade and options values is still based on the luck system, acept for Asylion 2 where the luck system is not considered anymore. However, using an Apple will still improve your ods ingetting better drops.
Unique Coat
A 14 days limited coat with high defense and protection bonuses. When you get the coat, the defense and protection bonuses you get are less and less, while your level increase.
In rare occasion you can get an unlimited coat.
You can obtain this coat by doing the Cabracam`s Treasure Quest.
Unique Weapon
A 30 days limited weapon with high damage and tohit bonuses. When you get the weapon, the bonuses you get are less and less, while your level increase.
You can obtain this weapon by trading Menegroth Vouchers.
Godly Set
Each race can obtain the super rare Godly Set.
This set is made from 4 items with 6 options and high grade.
You need to find and wear all 4 set pieces, in order to activate the Godly Set.
Shoulder/Receiver, Mask/Tattoo and Glove/Fascia you can get them in E4 Onibla spines exchange.
Weapon you can get from Raohm 5 Box.
Coat you can get it from Sius Box.
While using this Godly Set:
- When using the Godly set, some of the 161 skills will make silver by default even if the weapon is enchanted or not
- Garble Buff is always active (you gain the power of all scrolls together)
- Zaps main effects (the colors set) are increased by 30%
- The 161 class skills are improved
- Others will see your name in a special format in zone chat
- Different character skin.
Rank rate vs normal maps
Adam Hidden Labyrinth
Premium Card 7 (or 1) Days
You get 1.3x rank.
Premium Card 30 Days
You get 2x rank.
Bless of Blood
You get 1.5x rank.
There are 3 ways to charge the Defense Rush:
- You can charge this buff by killing monsters;
- You can charge it by afk-ing: you get 12.5% each 15 minutes. Means that if you only afk you can charge this in 2 hours.
- You can instant-charge by using the Blood Hour Glass form market (this hourglass you can also find it in the box dropped by Keeper).
- You can benefit of this buff 4 times per day only.
Use *level command to see how many more times you can use this buff today. (the count will reset on the server mid night hour)
Yellow Vapor
You get 2x rank for 1 hour. You can get this vapor in Clan Awarness rewards and Web Market.
Guild Awarness Buff
The Guild Awareness buff gives a rank bonus like so: clan master: 2.5x, sub masters: 1.8x, other members: 1.3x.
In the 2nd dungeon level you can hunt the dungeon`s boss.
When you kill the boss from Dungeon Floor 2, the clan members will receive the Guild Awareness buff. This buff gives you:
- Extra stats: +15 STR or DEX or INT (depend which one is bigger), +100HP and MP (150HP for vampires).
- Extra rank rate: clan master: 2.5x, sub masters: 1.8x, other members: 1.3x.
- Monsters inside Tepez and Bathory (clone) lairs, or Golden Rois from Asylion may drop the Tepez Summoning scroll.
- The chance of BB to decrease the options (when fail) is reduced to zero!
This boss is spawned from 4 in 4 hours.
Chiefs & Bosses
Chief and Boss monsters give extra rank when killed.
There are several helpers that can increase the level experience you make while killing monsters:
7 (or 1) Days Premium Card
This weak premium card offers 3x time more level experience, 1.3x more rank experience and 1.2x more luck.
With this card you also gain access to Asylion 1 map.
You can find this card in game (Keeper box, Muystery Box), trade it for Fame as Mr. Pumpkin or buy it from Market. Also, you will get this card each time you donate Rodin or Rupert packs.
30 Days Premium Card
This ultimate premium card offers 6x more level experience, 2x more rank experience and 1.8x more luck.
With this card you can acess all Asylion maps.
This card can be found only in market. Also, you will get this card when you donate a Cabracam pack or above.
Bless of Blood
Each time the Defense Rush (ctrl+2) bar is filled, you will be able to activate Bless of Blood buff, which, for 1 hour, will increase the effect of the Premium Card you are using, like so:
- if you are using the 7 (or 1) Days Card, Bless of Blood will give you 5x more level experience and 1.5x more rank experience and luck.
- if you are using the 30 Days Card, Bless of Blood will give you 8x more level experience and 1.5x more rank experience and luck.
Eg: if you are using 7 (or 1) Days Premium Card, your exp rate will be 3*5 more level experience.
There are 3 ways to charge the Defense Rush:
- You can charge this buff by killing monsters;
- You can charge it by afk-ing: you get 12.5% each 15 minutes. Means that if you only afk you can charge this in 2 hours.
- You can instant-charge by using the Blood Hour Glass form market (this hourglass you can also find it in the box dropped by Keeper).
- You can benefit of this buff 4 times per day only.
Use *level command to see how many more times you can use this buff today. (the count will reset on the server mid night hour)
LevelUP Rush
With values between 1 and 5, this super rare option will increase the level experience you make. If you have 3 items with this option maxed (+15), you will make almost 2 times more experience.
You can get this option only on the 3 option items, by using the Refine Stones of Ancient.
Honor Points
The Honor Rank you have can boost your experience like so:
Honor Rank 6 - 1.2x
Honor Rank 5 - 1.3x
Honor Rank 4 - 1.4x
Honor Rank 3 - 1.5x
Honor Rank 2 - 1.6x
Honor Rank 1 - 1.7x
You can accumulate honor points through activities you do during Bible Wars. Note: staying AFK will not give you honor points.
Party Bonus
You gain a bonus of expererience by being in a party when monsters are killed.
To get the bonus you need all the team members ot be close in same visual screen (same mob). In Awaken there is no exp los as level penalty during a party leveling.
Also, you can activate your Party Bonus bar which will give you the following features:
For Slayers
Defense bonus - only for Sworder
Damage bonus - only for Blader
Tohit bonus - only for Gunner
HP bonus - only for Healer
Moju bonus - only for Enchanter
For Vampires
Defense bonus - if party size >= 2
Damage bonus - if party size >= 2
Tohit bonus - if party size >= 3
Moju bonus - if party size >= 4
HP bonus - if party size >= 5
For Ousters
Defense bonus - only for Combat
Damage bonus - only for Fire
HP bonus - only for Water
Moju bonus - only for Earth
Awaken offers some ways to boost your experience with out leveling:
Black Zircons
Collect 3 black zircones and trade them (at Pumpkin NPC) for some experience points.
To get Black Zircons, first you need green zircons which you can get them by doing the Tunnels of Branco quest or killing Tunnel 3 Boss. The Zircons are energy crystals that need to evolve form one color to another: Grenn -> Blue -> Red -> Black. Not always the zironcs evolve into a new color, sometimes you get diff rewards.
When a Red Zircon evolve, the chance to get Blac Zircons are very slim, as moslty you will get a cat pet.
To evolve your zirons all you have to do is afk in Perona.
Piece of Ini Bible
You can find this item in Rupert Island, only if you have activated the Bible Twist.
Trading this bible at Pumpkin NPC, you gain 1 level.
To make an idea where to gain experience, based on your level, use the ingame map feature: ctrl+m. On the map, find your level range and see what map it is. If you go in a different map that is higher than your levle range, monsters will hurt more and you will gain less experience. So, please stick to the map with your level range.
Also, in Awaken you can get few experience points by simple AFK-ing in Perona.
In normal chat, type *level to see the correct exp and some other info about your character.
Each level you will receive attribute points to use them in STR, DEX, INT, as follow:
3 points: 1 - 150 levels.
4 points: 151 - 200 levels.
5 points: 201+ levels. Starting with level 311, each time you will change the class (311, 321, 331 etc) you will receive 10 stats points in as bonus.
There are 2 Promotion quests that you will have to do later, in order to be able to advance further:
At level 200 - by then you must have 10.000 chief monsters killed.
At level 300 - you will have to hunt 5x Medal of Great Brave.
Each time when you will complete the task, you need visit the Helper NPC.
You can promote directly to Horus by talking to Helper NPC in Perona (I want to advance level).
If the promotion works OK, you will be disconnected after success.
If you are a slayer, before promoting at NPC make shure that you equipe the correct weapon that will define your class.
The limited items that you get when you create the character, you can also find them in game (or buy them from market) in the GM Box, which can be dropped by Lost Taiyan B2 Boss or by Marax boss in IK Office 2.
You can start collecting gear items, in Lost Taiyan B2 map (or Asylion 1,2,3 for premium users); beginner books you can find in Drobeta; enchants you can find in Rodin.
There are 2 premium cards which differe in their effect:
- 7 (or 1) Days Premium Card: you get access only to Asylion 1 and you gain: 2.8x exp, 1.2x luck, 1.3x rank, lower Bless of Blood
- 30 Days Premium Card: you get access to Asylion 1,2 and3 and you gain: 6x exp, 1.8x luck, 2x rank, higher Bless of Blood
Read more about this in the Experience Helpers section.
During game, type *level command to see information about your experience, luck and some other stuff.
Below you can find the leveling areas and their recommended level gap. To access this map, hit CTRL+M in game.
The fields maps can be used to level as long as you go in the correct level range map. If you go in a higher range monsters will start hurting you with more power. To walk in such maps, without getting hurt use the transport items.
In the maps you wioll find chief monsters (that gives more experience) and a rare Experience Hound monster which gives you an insane experience bonus.
Chief monsters can have different colors:
Note: The "order" of leveling zones is affected alot by your killing speed and survival abilities.
dkAwaken is built for players who love the grind and take pride in earning every level. It’s not about shortcuts or easy wins — it"s about the satisfaction of pushing yourself and conquering challenges. If you"re looking for a rewarding, no-nonsense adventure, this is your chance to stand out and prove your skills. Rise, Conquer, and Dominate in the World of Darkeden!