darkden awaken true heroes

Awaken Market

Fear aura stone
1450 mp
Half Smart Fooder
1450 mp
(10x) Uni Key
90 mp
(20x) Miracle Epistoles
3200 mp
(50x) Pendant of Shabby
1050 mp
Accessories mixing forge A
200 mp
Accessories mixing forge B
300 mp
Accessories mixing forge C
400 mp
Accessories mixing forge D
500 mp
Air Gaiter Key
for Slayers

3450 mp
Armor mixing forge A
200 mp
Armor mixing forge B
300 mp
Armor mixing forge C
400 mp
Armor mixing forge D
500 mp
Armor mixing forge E
700 mp
Aura crystal
2450 mp
Black chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Black summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Blue Birds [x10]
250 mp
Blue Birds [x50]
1000 mp
Blue chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Blue color paint
1450 mp
Blue Drops [x50]
450 mp
Blue Fog Powde
for Vampires

1950 mp
Brown summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Bulletin Board Bulletin 12H
500 mp
Bulletin Board Bulletin 24H
900 mp
Bulletin Board Bulletin 6H
300 mp
Coral Black
450 mp
Coral Blue
450 mp
Coral Green
450 mp
Coral Olivegreen
1450 mp
Coral Red
450 mp
Critical Yellow Drop
1050 mp
Crystal of Oblivion Blue
225 mp
Crystal of Oblivion Green
225 mp
Crystal of Oblivion Red
225 mp
D-Tomahawk Key
for Slayers

1950 mp
D-Tomahawk Key Blue
for Slayers

1950 mp
D-Tomahawk Key Red
for Slayers

1950 mp
D-Tomahawk Key Yellow
for Slayers

1950 mp
Damage Yellow Drop
1050 mp
Death Neither
for Vampires

3450 mp
Deep blue Denature stone
for Slayers

950 mp
Devil Injection
350 mp
DEX Yellow Drop
750 mp
Elixir Scroll
100 mp
Elixir scroll [x9]
550 mp
Emerald Summon Wisp Gem
for Ousters

1950 mp
Expert Pet Changer
2450 mp
Extra Naming pen
850 mp
Fancy Injection
5200 mp
for Vampires

2450 mp
Fog Powder
for Vampires

1950 mp
Fuchsia Denature stone
for Slayers

950 mp
GM Box
520 mp
Gold Pet Box
1450 mp
Good Fortune Fooder
2500 mp
Grade Skill Cleaner Potion
1950 mp
Grand Crystal
5450 mp
Green chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Green color paint
1450 mp
Green Fog Powder
for Vampires

1950 mp
Green summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Guardian Crystal
5450 mp
Hell bike Key
for Slayers

2450 mp
Hell Garden Key 1
250 mp
Hellgarden Quartz
150 mp
Hope aura stone
1450 mp
Hover Vehicle Key
for Slayers

2950 mp
Indigo blue Denature ston
for Slayers

950 mp
Indigo color paint
1450 mp
INT Yellow Drop
750 mp
Interpreter Fooder
300 mp
Key of Disilusion
1450 mp
Krul aura stone
1450 mp
Legendary Aura Stone
4450 mp
Light Smart Fooder
750 mp
Lilac chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Lilac summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Limited Naming pen
1050 mp
Love Candy Box
3000 mp
Luck Yellow Drop
1950 mp
Lycan Mane
450 mp
Magical Pet Changer
2450 mp
Max Fodder
750 mp
Mighty Fodder
500 mp
Miracle Epistole
200 mp
Multi pack 10 X 6
1950 mp
Multi pack 2 X 4
200 mp
Multi pack 4 X 6
600 mp
Naming pen
950 mp
Natural chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Natural color paint
750 mp
Orange color paint
1450 mp
Orange Denature stone
for Slayers

950 mp
Orange summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Ordinary Yellow Drop [x50]
1450 mp
Ordinis Alignament
500 mp
Pet Compound
1400 mp
Pipe of Blind
750 mp
Potion of pet initialization
for Slayers

950 mp
Premium Card 30
3000 mp
Premium Card 7
1500 mp
Premium Revival
450 mp
Purge Mound
350 mp
Puritas Puritas
550 mp
Red bird 2
200 mp
Red bird 2 [x50]
8000 mp
Red chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Red color paint
1450 mp
Red Fog Powder
for Vampires

1950 mp
Red Hourglass
350 mp
Red summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Red Summon Wisp Gem
for Ousters

1950 mp
Riddle Box
1450 mp
Rubiate Key Black
for Slayers

1450 mp
Rubiate Key Blue
for Slayers

1450 mp
Rubiate Key Green
for Slayers

1450 mp
Rubiate Key Key Lillac
1450 mp
Rubiate Key Key Yellow
1450 mp
Rubiate Key Orange
for Slayers

1450 mp
Rubiate Key Red
for Slayers

1450 mp
Rubiate Key Sky
for Slayers

1450 mp
Rufous Denature stone
for Slayers

950 mp
Sandglass of Pet EXP Hourglass of pet ex
450 mp
Sealing Stone
2450 mp
for Ousters

2450 mp
Shape of Demon
for Vampires

2950 mp
for Ousters

3450 mp
Silver Denature stone
for Slayers

950 mp
Sky Blue chamelon potio
for Vampires

1450 mp
Space Debris Aura
10000 mp
STR Yellow Drop
750 mp
Summon of EV [x10]
for Slayers

500 mp
Summon of Lamia [X10]
for Vampires

500 mp
Summon of Reira [x10]
for Ousters

500 mp
ToHit Yellow Drop
750 mp
Trans gender potion
for Slayers

2450 mp
Trans item kit
for Slayers

2450 mp
for Ousters

2950 mp
Vision Ampul
450 mp
Vision Yellow Drop
450 mp
Weapon mixing forge A
200 mp
Weapon mixing forge B
300 mp
Weapon mixing forge C
400 mp
Weapon mixing forge D
500 mp
Weapon mixing forge E
700 mp
White chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
White color paint
1450 mp
White Crystal [x10]
350 mp
White summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Wireless set UVT-7000
for Slayers

2450 mp
Yellow chamelon potion
for Vampires

1450 mp
Yellow color paint
1450 mp
Yellow summon Imp Gem
for Ousters

1450 mp
Yellow Summon Wisp
for Ousters

1950 mp
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dkAwaken is built for players who love the grind and take pride in earning every level. It’s not about shortcuts or easy wins — it"s about the satisfaction of pushing yourself and conquering challenges. If you"re looking for a rewarding, no-nonsense adventure, this is your chance to stand out and prove your skills.
Rise, Conquer, and Dominate in the World of Darkeden!