darkden awaken true heroes

november patch

First of all, make sure you close all dkAwaken clients, and properly install the patch!
- when you run the launcher it should auto-download the patch dka_2.exe
- after this process finisih, manually run dka_2.exe file

New Features

Premium Cards

  • Experience Stones (2x and 7x) and Hourglass are no longer be found in game. Existing items can still be used but not in same time with Premium Cards.
  • Two new Premium Cards:
    • Noob Premium Card (7 Days):
      • 3x level experience, 1.3x rank experience, 1.2x luck.
      • Grants access to Asylion 1 map.
      • Available in-game (Keeper Box, Mystery Box) or Market. Also included with Rodin and Rupert packs.
    • Advanced Premium Card (30 Days):
      • 6x level experience, 2x rank experience, 1.8x luck.
      • Grants access to all Asylion maps.
      • Available in Market or with Cabracam packs and above.
  • Bless of Blood Adjustments:
    It will give different amounts based on what premium card are you using:
    • 7 Days Card: 5x level exp, 1.5x rank exp, 1.5x luck.
    • 30 Days Card: 8x level exp, 1.5x rank exp, 1.5x luck.

Magic Box

  • A loot-able item dropping Enchantments, Scrolls, Cakes, Shards of Hellgarden, Pet Masks, Moon Cards, Pendant of Shabby, Liliths, Blue Bird 2 and more
  • Requires a Uni-Key, found in Tiffauge, Hidden Adam Labyrinth, Veiled Artifact, Keeper Box, ARUBOT or Market.
  • The box drop rate depend on maps.

Hellgarden Shard

  • A loot-able item dropping from Hellgarden monsters
  • This item replace the articles. You no longer need to find specific article for your items - one item for all. To use this item visit Sophia NPC. It has a success rate of 50% and decrease the rate once you go up to Osiris. Note: old articles you can still use them like before, but they no longer drop in game.

Blue Bird 2

  • A noob version of Amplification Stone: high failure rate but better drop rate.
  • Found in Asylion 2, Mystery Box, Meteor Box (Sius), or Market.

New Maps: Asylion 2 & 3

  • Asylion 2:
    • Hunting ground with chance for better rewards than Asylion 1.
    • Requires Advanced Premium Card and level > 200.
    • Boss "Mothra" drops scroll puzzle pieces for powerful contract items. This boss appear each hour. The contract can be 2 options or (rare) 3 options. The options you get are combination of: STR+15,DEX+15,INT+15,DEF+50,PRO+50,TOHIT+50 with HP+100/MP+100 with HPRGN+11,MPRGN+11,HPSTL+15,MPSTL+15
  • Asylion 3:
    • Leveling zone requiring Advanced Premium Card, level > 200, and a Hellgarden Quartz for entry. You can find the Quarts in HG1 or market.
    • Players are kicked out after 4,000 kills.

Suggestion Box

  • You wanna share with us your ideas about game? We would like to hear your opinions. To do so, please login to website and on the member page, scroll down and click the microphone icon.


  • Because this server have (kind of) a fresh start, we decided to remove the Hall of Shame data and to unban the banned people (except 2 which are banned for cheat abuse and they remain banned).
  • Options of the coats from Meteor Box are now balanced with weapon option from Miklizi Box.
  • All mages get a hidden helping def/prot which slowly decrease until they get Seth class.
  • Fire of Awaken buff no longer gives money from 15 in 15 minutes (monsters will drop them instead).
  • Money checks are now dropped while killings monsters. the check value differ based on monster level (50+), bible buf 4, Tepez buff and Reaper Compensation amount
  • Reaper compensation will not take money in pvp anymore, will increase the money drop amount
  • Fame trade at npc: a box where u get 30scrolls from each, black smoke buff, gdr buf, crown buf, 7dyays prem card
  • Lost Taiyan 2 is now opened always for levels lower than Osiris
  • There are no more time events such us (rank, luck, monster):
    • For rank the new prem card take its place and is always on;
    • For luck the enchant buff can be used;
    • For double monster something will come in next patch.
  • The day nigh diff for vampires and monsters has been reduced (from 30/50 to 15/25)
  • Fury time is reduced to 30 seconds and you can find it only in Guild reward (1x), Bahibili monster (3x) and Lovel Box form market (1x).
  • Veiled Artifacts rewards are changed like so: rare(hide ring, uni key), medium (lil2, bb2 + v2 scrolls, moon cards), easy :candies + v1 scrolls
  • Keeper box reward are changed like so: red hg, 7day prem, key or box (box amount luck based)
  • ARUBOT when answer correct you wil receive a Uni-Key
  • Trade 100 Memories of Ancient / Vampiric Cores / Lost Ordinance to Pumpkin for 1 Amplification stone
  • Mentalizer pet mask will not remove opponent pet anymore, instead will do a parasites effect.
  • Knot Buff will no longer give exp, instead will increase rank exp and fame made
  • Bible Pair 4 will increase the amount of money that drop on the ground while killing monsters.
  • Bible Twist pairs will not give the wings effect anymore nor the exp. Instead the Twist will partial nullify fury effect and push.
  • If you have a cat with Bounty nickname, monsters will drop the Purple Skulls based on a chance - the chance is based on cat level. (the Purple Skull sell it at NPC for game money)
  • To access Joana Secret GDR Chamber now you need 3 pendants and 3 beads (instead of 5)
  • Pet Attribute Yellow Drops can now be dropped by Joana
  • Castle skills (which are active only in wars), now they will be always active when you will hit rank 50! Also their effects are improved:
    • Septimus - Illusion of Avenge : Casts an area attack that inflicts powerful damage to the enemy.
    • Octavius - Magic Elusion : Creates a magic circle that can defend against magic attacks.
    • Tertius - Poison Mesh : It wraps around the opponent, blocking their movements and dealing damage.
    • Quartus - Will of Life : Continuously restores HP for a certain period of time.
    • Pentanus - Dileo Epicio : All curses and auxiliary effects on the cast target disappear.
    • Hexirius - Reputo Factum : When the caster uses a skill, the damage from that skill is reflected.
  • Tiffauge 2 is modified liek so:
    • Bosses in T2 (and T2 Past) got increased in HP, so they have time to summon more monsters
    • The experience made in T2 is increased
    • Damage made by some monsters is decreased
  • Hell Garden 2,3,4 are removed, we keep (for now) only Hellgarden 1:
    • Monsters in hg1 their hp is a lil increase
    • When you exchange the cross you get contract with all options (form old hg2,3,4) random
    • The seeds needed for trade are dropped from 90 to 20; the ring you get is random options between: aa3 str3 hps3 / aa3 int3 res3 / aa3 dex3 def3 / dmg3 crit3 pro3
    • Killing monsters in HG1 they can drop the Hellgarden Shard (item class increase) or Hellgarden Quartz (Asy3 access)
    • The 300 boss kills is still there: you get a high option ring. Also when you trade the 300 kills for the ring, they reset to 50 if you are vampire or slayer and reset to 150 if you are ouster. Note. vampires and slayers get a lower reset because they can use 4 rings, while ousters only 2


  • Resolved issue where Water Para was not removed by Honey Cake (animation glitch remains).
  • Fixed issues with Godly Set bonuses.
  • Kiro now gives the correct INT bonus.

Future Updates

  • Completing the guide section. Now only half is avaiable: Guide
  • Re-introducing a modified war ranking system with extra honor rewards.
  • Considering balance adjustments for para skills to make PvP more engaging and player-friendly.
  • Integrating clan functionality into the website - to solve the clan exit issue.
  • Increasing difficulty for some bosses but give them guaranteed rewards.
  • Re-think the rewards from Tiffauge and Onibla.
  • Adding a feature to allow players to select for their cats specific categories of loot.

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dkAwaken is built for players who love the grind and take pride in earning every level. It’s not about shortcuts or easy wins — it"s about the satisfaction of pushing yourself and conquering challenges. If you"re looking for a rewarding, no-nonsense adventure, this is your chance to stand out and prove your skills.
Rise, Conquer, and Dominate in the World of Darkeden!